Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Being Creative

When does creativity flow from an author's pen? I don't really know a universal answer for that question, but I can definitely answer for myself.

I am at my most creative when there is a lot of work on my hands. When I was in school, I would write loads of short stories, poems, essays, letters (to-the-editor, of course) right before my exams. I knew there was a lot of studying to do. I knew I would have to face music later. But I would be totally helpless in trying to curb the words flowing out of my pen. I remember sitting with an open Geography text book, and writing short poems (in pencil) at the end of some chapter. There would even be a lot of Rangoli and Mehendi designs, or some designs which I call as "free-hand" (for the sole reason that they are aimless, nameless, little - or - big things) at the end of my notebooks.

Things are no different today. I am almost 30 (or not!), a "responsible" employee of an IT company, with some aggressive deadlines to be dealt with. And all I can think of is writing something. I am, even now, getting the urge to write, and write some more. It's true - I am avoiding work. But I have a better explanation. I am being creative.

1 comment:

Peeves said...

Hee hee hee! I can't forget all those books and notebooks full of these designs.

And don't forget to be creative even when you have work. ;)