Saturday, 31 October 2009

Stream of consciousness on a Work Afternoon

-I don't want to work.
-I want to read my book.
-Why won't anyone call me?
-Should I blog?
-I'll open my email.
-Why doesn't anyone write to me?
-I don't want to work.
-What's Nanu upto?
-I want to sleep.
-When will the weekend come?
-I want to buy new shoes.
-I don't want to work.
-When will the ink in this pen be over?
-Look how red my phone is!
-I have exhausted all news sites.
-I don't want to work.
-Let me open a doc.
-My eyes are closing.
-I don't want to work.
-Why won't anyone come online?
-I don't want to work.
-I don't want to work.

1 comment:

Peeves said...

Hee hee hee...again, an excellent one!